How to Prepare & Pack Your Kitchen for a Remodel

How to Prepare & Pack Your Kitchen for a Remodel

As you set up your temporary cooking space, every kitchen remodeling job begins with a packing and purging party. Use this time to thoughtfully analyze each item in your kitchen, and only keep what you actually love and need, this is the continual counsel we give to our clients. Our own experience has taught us that it’s best to clean up and organize your kitchen as soon as the remodeling process starts. Our ideal approach is to take everything out of your cabinets and drawers, evaluate each item’s worth, and then decide whether or not to keep it. Yes, it requires a lot of effort and can be frightening, but it is so, so worthwhile. Check this out.

Once you’ve finished, it’s time to pack your belongings and prepare for your makeover.

1. Decide where to put your temporary kitchen.

As many of our clients remain at home while their kitchens are being renovated, it’s essential for them to have a small area set up to serve as a temporary “kitchen” space. Every home (and family needs) are different, so we are more than happy to help you choose a spot in your home that is appropriate for this. If necessary, the laundry room can easily be substituted with a second bathroom that is next to a prep area.

2. Set aside anything you’ll need for the remodeling.

Nonetheless, the necessities should remain outdoors! We advise having one set of dishes, cups, and utensils for each individual residing in your home, as well as a coffee maker, toaster oven, and microwave. Any meals you anticipate preparing at home while remodeling should be planned in advance. If you prepare any necessary food in advance, you can reduce the expense of takeout.

Keep things simple because you’ll be handwashing every item you use. If you want to save yourself the trouble of doing the dishes, think about choosing recyclable or biodegradable disposals. Also, it’s a great chance to use up your mismatched party plates, glasses, and napkins from previous get-togethers.

3. Be ready to store the items from your kitchen while the house is being constructed.

The best packing materials are tiny and medium-sized boxes, packing paper, and bubble wrap. When you pack, your possessions stay tidy, safe, and organized! Remember to label your boxes so that you can swiftly set up your kitchen once everything is ready.

Related blog post: 7 Reasons Kitchen Remodels Go Over Budget

4. Time to clean house.

As many of our clients remain at home while their kitchens are being renovated, it’s essential for them to have a small area set up to serve as a temporary “kitchen” space. Without a doubt, we’ll be able to help you choose a room in your home that’s suitable for this.

To be more organized, we advise packing up each category separately. To find what you have, search your cupboards and drawers for complementary items. Give away the items you’ve accumulated but never utilized. There is no reason to keep things if you aren’t using them. The following is some suggestions to keep in mind when cleaning out each category:

Throw away any dinnerware sets you don’t use or adore. If you intend to sell them, snap some photos of them as soon as you can. Before throwing away the set(s), inspect them for cracks and chips. If the glazing is broken or chipped, hazardous bacteria could contaminate your meals (if not sanitized properly).

Serving and entertaining utensils are usually bulky, awkward-to-store items. Remove the unnecessary elements from your entertainment that don’t fit your entertaining style.

Mugs and promotional cups are surprisingly difficult to get rid of because they typically have sentimental value. Take everything out of the cabinets so you can see it all at once. Choose the items you want to keep and explain why. It might be a good idea to store your collection of mugs elsewhere in the house or to include a showcase space when redesigning your kitchen if you have one.

I am always amazed at how quickly our Tupperware drawer fills up. I always start by figuring out which containers need matching lids before throwing anything away or donating anything.

Do all of your tiny appliances and electronics suit your needs and way of life? Consider whether the item is important to you right now as opposed to whether it might be useful in the future as much as you can. You can then assess whether you genuinely value the idea rather than just considering using it. Donate any appliances that aren’t in use.

Minimize the number of surplus items you’ve been storing and get rid of everything that is no longer helpful (think warped spatulas, peelings nonstick pans, etc.).

5. Before keeping something, give it some thought.

If you’re having problems deciding what to take, consider your current lifestyle and what you may have to look forward to in the near future. When it comes time to move into your new kitchen after the makeover is complete, you’ll be glad you took the time to get rid of unnecessary items. Less packing, storage, and unpacking is necessary.

We want to know what helped you get through your kitchen renovation. If you’d like, comment here. As you prepare for your future kitchen renovation, we hope these ideas will serve as inspiration. If you’re still looking for a contractor, Contact our team to set up an appointment. You’re interested in learning how to prepare for a bathroom remodel. We’ve got you covered!